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How to Get the Most Out of Your Schedule

I’ve always been the type of person to keep to-do lists and event calendars. I firmly believe it's one of the handiest tools you can use to ensure efficiency in your day. Upon recently joining Praxis, scheduling became one of my regular daily routines. I love this practice and getting the most out of it can be a life-changer. Here are my 6 top tips on how to get the most out of your schedule and why it’s important.

Helps you stay on track.

The best way to stay on track and never forget about a commitment is by using a scheduling app. My go-to scheduling app is Google Calendar. When I have a commitment or task that I need to complete, the first thing I do is add it to my calendar. I can customize the alert time just in case I need to consider drive time. Once I have it all set, I can put the commitment into the back of my mind because I know that I will be alerted when it becomes the next most important priority in my schedule.

Another way a calendar can help keep you on track is the fact that you can have everything planned out by the hour so you always know what you’re supposed to be doing and what you will be doing next. This way you never slack on a task because you know that you have only permitted yourself a certain amount of time for it.

Helps you maximize your day.

Having a filled-out calendar in front of you, whether it be paper or virtual, can give you a visual sense of what your day will look like. You are less likely to double book time slots and more likely to make the most of the slots you have filled. Schedules are a great tool to use to help you prioritize and plan your day's activities to their fullest.

You can also maximize your day on Google Calendar by having your daily agenda emailed to you in the morning. That way if you forget to check your calendar it will always be in your email which you most likely won't forget to check.

Helps you prevent information overload.

Your mind holds so much information during the day that you can hardly rely on it being your calendar and alert system as well. You are significantly more likely to get overwhelmed and stressed out when your mind is holding on to a million different things. By scheduling your commitments, you can focus on other things that are more important at that time. The freedom of using our mind to think as opposed to being overwhelmed trying to remember dates and times maximizes your daily function and assures productivity.

Helps you become more efficient.

One of the most efficient features of Google Calendar is that it automatically syncs to my iPhone, MacBook, and iPad. When I am on the go, I can just pull out my phone and everything that I add will be on my MacBook next time I open it. I can also send out calendar invites to maximize the efficiency of my engagements.

When there is a dedicated time for you to work on a specific task, you likely will get more done and therefore be more efficient in your responsibilities throughout the day. On the other hand, if you don't have a system in play and you work on everything haphazardly you won't be dedicating true and valuable attention to your commitments.

Helps you to be in control of your time.

Another way that your calendar is a vital aspect of your day is that it allows you to be in control of your time. Instead of random things coming up that you have to cram in over dinner, you can plan ahead and be prepared for unexpected events. I’m someone who likes to plan little 30-minute breaks here and there. If anything unexpected were to come up, I would just simply work through my break instead of working late into the night. That is my way of scheduling to be as prepared as I can for the unexpected.

Since I have my virtual calendar almost always in front of me, I have the freedom to schedule around my time instead of setting a time and hoping it doesn't infringe on anything else. This practice not only helps me timewise, but it helps me be more productive and efficient in my day.

Helps you remember what's important.

I’ve been talking a lot about how I maximize my workflow by using schedules and calendars, but another extremely valuable bonus of using a calendar is the fact that you can reserve time for what's ultimately important: God, family, friends, and personal wellbeing. Being in control of your schedule means that you won't have to miss your best friend's birthday or family dinner with your Grandma or even your workout time. You can schedule times to really detach and rest your mind. You can add all of the important dates and dinners to your calendar so you know that time is reserved so you won’t end up double booking it. In the end, you will have a healthy balance of work and life.


I will never go back to not using a schedule. You won’t know what true daily efficiency looks like until you start using a scheduling calendar on a daily basis. You’ll be able to separate work, education, and family like never before. The weight that will be taken off your mind by not needing to remember every commitment and time will be so freeing. I hope these tips helped you, and I highly recommend using a daily scheduling tool to become the true master of your time.

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