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The Power of a Writing Routine.

Having a writing routine helps my mind identify that when I am doing this series of events, it is time to start thinking and concentrating. I try to do the same thing at the same time every day to get my subconscious used to writing. These are my thoughts on having a writing routine.

My routine.

My routine does not have to be at any certain place. It’s more about what I do. I like to write from 8:30 am-9:30 am every day, give or take. It’s very simple from there.

I first get a cup of hot tea, then I will put on my headphones and listen to a specific album of a classical band I like. The sound helps my mind identify that it’s writing time. The music part of my routine is especially coming in handy this morning because my roommate decided that since it’s Aug.12, she will start listening to Christmas music.

After that, I make sure that I have a separate tab open on my laptop that only has my google doc for writing and a doc where I can jot down ideas for different day’s writing topics. That way, all other distractions are taken out of sight. After I’ve completed these steps then it’s go time!

Why are routines important?

Routines train your mind, it puts you in control and it helps you get done what perhaps you might put off otherwise.

When I first started with my routine, I didn’t ever think that my mind would be so trained to know that it's time to write. I would previously sit in front of my laptop for 20 minutes trying to think of ideas which now come to me fairly quickly.

How to form a good routine.

Forming a good routine is all about what works for you. Don’t however make your routine location-based. Make sure it’s portable so you can take it anywhere you might be.

Have a few set queues for your mind. For example, I play the same classical band and drink a cup of tea. I also never write in bed, on the couch, or in another place that might hinder motivation. Whether I am at a cafe or at home, I always sit at a table and I try to maintain good posture on top of it all. Find whatever works for you.

Final Thoughts.

For the most part, you need to find your groove. Your routine may be completely different from mine. It’s all about finding what motivates you and what you feel is bettering you as a writer. A routine won’t be set overnight though. Stick with it and find whatever works.

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