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The Importance of Choosing Friends Who Help You Succeed.

This morning, while speaking with my mentor, he mentioned something about “surrounding yourself with the right people”. I felt such a strong pull to write about this because it is something that I have been struggling with lately. I recently had a realization that friends have so much to do with who you are and what your mindset is. This can be a good thing at times but if you form the wrong friendship it can only drag you down.

What do your friends have to do with your success?

Not just your friends but everyone you surround yourself with are either a blessing or a lesson. Your friendships help form your mindset through habits and subconscious queues. For example, subconsciously you start mimicking the laugh and the style of your closest friends. So, if you spend the majority of your time with an unhappy person, it’s not a wonder that you yourself are starting to feel unhappy.

Ask yourself this; Does this person want me to succeed? Is this person happy for the good that happens to me? Does this person deserve to be next to me when I make it to the top?

Who are the “right people”?

The right people are the ones that support you and want you to succeed. Every time I read about this very same topic, I, like most others, have people come to mind. Never wanting to see the reality of some friendships though, I simply ignore it and go on with my life.

The right people are those who share similar goals, values and morals. Someone who you can look up to and or see as your equal instead of feeling like you’re miles ahead.

Currently, I am at a point in my life where I feel a lot of change. I am very much an adult and that whole high school lifestyle is far behind me. Some people that I surround myself with though don’t have that same mentality and get upset when I mention my achievement or something good that has happened. These are the kind of unhealthy relationships that only serve to hold you back.

What to do if you are not surrounded by the right people.

I recently spent quite a bit of alone time thinking and evaluating my life and those I choose to share my life with. I am at the point where I don’t want to be with people who don’t want me to succeed. Simply writing people off is by no means in my nature but I did feel a need to distance myself from a few people in my life.

I started by simply not reaching out if they make the first step of staying in my life, then maybe they do deserve a place in it. Only you can be the judge of that though. I was honestly shocked by the outcome of this little experiment. Only one person bothered to reach out. This solidified to me that most of these individuals only were in my life to serve themselves.

The result.

The purpose of this post isn’t to tell you to write off everyone in your life, it is to inform you about the truth with some relationships. I feel so much weight taken off my shoulders because now I don’t have to put energy into meaningless relationships, where I need to make sure I am not hurting people's feelings with the good things in my life. In the end, the people who hold a place in my life are the ones for whom I have mutual respect and the ones who hope I succeed and much as I hope they do.

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